Monthly Archives: July 2011

I got a friend…shows me all the good times.

Dear A’Mari,

At this link you will find a video highlighting the events of July 29, 2011:

Watch that video… the one right above this sentence…

I swear, some of the strangest things go down when we are together. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m pretty positive that we were two of the very few, if any, who came out of that show laughing and smiling. I think it’s impossible for us to not have a good time.

The video I had originally posted with Caleb’s drunken speech hit 2,000 views within just a few hours. Websites and news organizations were using the video all over the internet. I wasn’t aware we’d be part of such controversy that night. Their management pulled the video stating that I was infringing upon copyright. Meh…

I’ll never forget that night for sure. Like you said, it’s definitely in my top 3 favorite times of my life as well. Wouldn’t have wanted to share it with anyone else. 🙂

I keep singing Book of Mormon songs… “MAAANNNN UPPPPP!”

That’s so awesome that those guys stopped to help you right away. I was totally going to come out and change your tire for you if they hadn’t already beat me to it. I don’t think you are aware of the fact that my wheelchair has a car jack built into it. I can change a tire in 10 seconds flat with my swiss army wheelchair. I’m a firm believer that the flat tire incident kept you from something worse. Everything happens for a reason in my book. If anything it kept you from sweating on someones cheeseburger at Sonic since the air conditioning in the building was out. Sweaty burgers are no fun for anyone.

You know I love those haircut styles… ::bites knuckle:: I think you’d look great. I’m really digging that Anne Hathaway hairstyle. One day is going to be such an awesome movie! Old school Mandy Moore is always another option 😉 It’d definitely be a big change but one I’m sure to be a fan of. You’d look beautiful I’m positive. Definitely after your 1,000 Proms show of course (shout out to Carrie K!).

I’m going to go backstage now, vomit, drink a beer, and come back and finish this blog. It’s never a dull moment when Kings of Leon, A’Mari Rocheleau, myself, Jacob, and Cameron from Glee are all in one swelteringly hot building. Just one of the many amazing memories to come.

Moment of Honesty:

I didn’t realize I was moving this Saturday until you said something last night… I hope it works out where I can see you one last time before the move. Fair warning though… I’m expecting it to be a long goodbye with plenty of tangents because it’s going to be really hard for me to let you go home…

Fuzzy Memory:

One day we went for a ride on my wheelchair and decided to make our way to Dallas’ house down the road. Along the way we were met with many perils. At one point while you were riding on my armrest like a sidecar on a motorcycle we were attacked by a crazy dog that came out of no where. I was pretty positive you were going to climb up on my shoulders to get away from it. I wouldn’t have minded of course. The dog soon realized that he wasn’t chasing a bike or a car. Rather what he perceived me as was a Rolling Robot Humanoid from another planet with a screeching howler monkey riding on its shoulder (thats you). He scurried off to tell his other dog friends of his crazy encounter. Later on down the road you were still riding and decided to adjust yourself without telling me. You fell off the front of the chair and I proceeded to run your ankle over. This made you bleed and this made me feel really bad…So when we got to Dallas’ we got you a little kids bandaid with Batman or Scooby-Doo or something on it. That day left a scar on your ankle that may still be there. We’ve made it through some crazy adventures. Most of which you end up injured…



I’ve got a notion…

…that tomorrow/ today we’re seeing Kings of Leon! My favourite band! And I am super excited! I am also sick. And that part sucks, but hopefully my doctor can get me all set up for an awesome night of drunken Tennessians & horses playing the drums tomorrow before the show.

Today, I got a flat tire. Which really shouldn’t have been a big deal…except that the one thing my dad never taught me to do was change a flat tire. But seriously, I was so lucky when those 2 random guys showed up almost immediately and fixed it for me…otherwise I would have had to hang out in the heat for an hour to wait for my brother, and we all know that A’Mari and heat are not friends. So that was exciting. And terrifying. And made me miss work, for which I feel really bad. The first person I called was my boss, and it was 30 minutes before my shift started, but I still felt terrible that I couldn’t make it and forced them to have to rush to find another carhop. 😦

I don’t know if I’m gonna be like, super picture ready tomorrow. My nose is all red and my eyes are puffy :/

I don’t appreciate you making fun of my JoBro’s moments. The other day was the first time I had listened to them in a very long time…I think I deserved a few moments with Kevin, Joe, and Nick.

I would love nothing more than to take a Mattillac trip to NYC for Darren Criss. Though I can’t make any promises about the “no crying” thing. A) you’re going to be driving! FREEDOM!!!! It makes me misty eyed just thinking about it. B) we’re going to be seeing Darren Criss. My favourite of all favourites. C) my tears have a mind of their own.

Tell Pleakey that she needs to teach me bass, cuz I have no idea! I also still have no amp…maybe I’ll build one out of paper and tape…and stickers. Lots and lots of stickers.

I demand that you change my mother’s ringtone on your phone. She’s a classy lady and she deserves a classy ringtone. Something like “God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You” by N*Sync. Yeah…something like that.

How do we feel about these haircuts? For me…not you. I hate the itch of wanting to cut your hair but not being able to…

From One Day! So excited!!!!














Moment of Honesty:

When I read that old xanga post I totally sat on my couch & cried for like, 10 minutes. I’m glad that I at least said one intelligent thing when I was 15. And I still firmly believe that you’ll change the world. That you’re even changing it right now. And not just because you’re in a wheelchair, I mean that’s totally awesome & a definite bonus at amusement parks & concerts, but you’re just the best person I know. And I’m always overcome with so much gratitude for God and the universe and Tal whenever I think about our friendship and how I never expected in a million years that I’d have a friend like you.

Fuzzy Memory:

Another one from Roots in a Parched Ground and a sort of short one, but it makes me giggle. 🙂 During the show you had your little “oh I’m having a coughing fit! I’m dying! That’s the excuse for this wheelchair- now roll me away” moment, and I would always stand up in the booth and wave or dance with Jamie to try & make you laugh…but I don’t think you ever did. Bummer. It was still funny though & I would almost always miss the cue for my sound cue to end. You remember? The one that sounded like elevator music, and then turned into a “Kenny G meets an Indian flute” number?

I see you today…(that sounds creepy)



Red Vines taste like broken dreams…and knock off Twizzlers.

Dear A’Mari,

You wrote so much randomness its going to be hard to respond to all of it so I will use our catch phrase “I know, right?” as a blanket response to the majority of what you said. 🙂 I enjoy reading you’re random, sporadic thoughts because it goes along with my attention span. Also the previous blog verifies why you only listen to the first 10 seconds of almost every song. I’m going to make you a cd that you won’t even have to bother to skip to the next track after the intro. I’ll even include the first chorus of the song! I know how much you love chorus’.

This past Sunday we went to the Granada Theater to see one of the best bands around, Ume (ooo-may). I realized shortly after that you have been to all 3 of their concerts that I have been to. It was definitely a great show, their best in my opinion. We also entertained all with our tweets on the twitter board. Especially the guy beside who thought we were hilarious. Though I don’t think anything can beat when they played with This Will Destroy You. Geez that night was amazing. I’m glad we could share that experience. Getting high off of musical greatness is something rarely accomplished.

We should definitely take some photos Friday before the Kings of Leon concert as well as at the show. I’ll have to trick the guard again at the gate and convince them that I don’t have a “professional camera with a detachable lens.” I can’t believe I got away with that last year…hehe. I’m glad we’ve made a tradition of sorts of going to the KOL show when they come around. I’m also glad you have a good taste in music. Not that I’d like you any less but…yeah I’d like you less if you listened to the Jonas Bro– oh wait…You Do Listen To THEM. 😛

If you’re taking a roadtrip to NYC to see Darren Criss we should totally take my van/Mattillac. Not only is it roomier but there is a TV and the back turns to a bed! Road tripping in style. That is of course if you’re not afraid to ride with me. I know I’d be afraid…sheesh. We put the down payment on the van tomorrow. I’m so very excited. This means its getting close. FREEDOM! When I give you a ride you have to promise not to cry the entire time. I’ll allow a few tears. If you start crying I’ll start crying and then I’ll have watery eyes while driving. Not good. 😉

I really hope you stick to this bass playing thing. It’d be totally awesome to see you rock out with a funky little groove. You should get Pleake to play with you. She was doing some awesome stuff on the bass the other night (though she says she was just playing around). She’s too good at everything. You, me, and her can start a band. We’ll get Lauren from Ume to take you dress shopping and give you hints on how to rock with your hair and still look pretty. It’d be totally awesome.

Steffi D loves our music video and she loves you. How freakin’ cool is that? You should tweet her back and see if she remembers you as the girl who had her sign a toilet seat during the Spring Awakening tour…haha.

I’ll tell your mom that you and your dad miss her. I’m expecting a…::ringtone “Can’t get enough of your Love” by Barry White rings:: oh wait, she is calling me right now hold on…::answers phone::…”Helloooooooooooo Linda…” Hey A’Mari imma have to take this phone call. I’ll talk to you soon, k?

See you Friday 🙂

Moment of Honesty:

I creeped our old xangas the other day and found this post on mine from 2005. To this day it is relevant:

“A’Mari always tells that I’m going to be able to change the world through my life. I hope so. I want to change the world, show everyone everything is possible, no limitations. She says that I’ll have an impact on the world she wishes she could have…but she will have it. She’s changed me for the better, before her I was lonely, and dwelled on my inabilities. We still have(or had) those long talks before rehearsal that gave me a new outlook on who I am, and what I’m capable of. She doesn’t realize it, but since she changed me, she has changed the world…

-Pierre Cuzmybladdersempty”

Fuzzy Memory:

In honor of our Kings of Leon experience to come I present this fuzzy memory from a year ago… We were at the KOL concert last fall and you used my manual wheelchair so that you could sit with me in the handicap seating. It was super lame they only allowed one companion. I guess people in wheelchairs don’t have more than one friend…anyways… The whole show you did so well pretending to be handicapable. You made it through the awkward stares and even through the entire KOL set without giving our secret away. Then, out in the parking lot after the show I think the excitement got to you a bit. We were rolling to the van and I look up and you’re running beside the wheelchair you were once sitting in. A couple drunk guys saw and screamed “Hey, I saw that!” Let’s make more funny memories this Friday. What do you think? 🙂



iphone photography at its finest.

would you like a delicious red vine?

Dear Mattie,

I’m so excited about Jayden! He’s totally a fighter…and just look at that picture! Never have I seen such a contented baby. You can tell he’s like, “yeah…check me out…I’m just chillin here. All ya’ll were worried…I knew I’d be fine the whole time. Now where’s my formula? I needs to get my drink on.” I just decided that Jayden is completely gangsta. And he’s coming home!

Nana! She is like the sweetest lady ever! And of course she won in the freaking art competition…Draco would be proud! That’s awesome that she likes living in her little nursing home. I bet she’s got a group of ‘rowdy girls’ that she’s just not telling you about 😉

What about Friday for the photoshoot? Since I’m already gonna be out there anyway for Kings of Leon! I cannot express how excited I am! “Use Somebody” came on Sonic Live Radio today & I was singing my little heart out!

Darren Criss apparently is supposed to start on Broadway in early January & will only be there for 3 weeks, because he has to be back to shoot Glee…but that’s sort of perfect because it’ll be over winter break. A’Mari’s going on a road trip! Maybe…

So the Ume concert was lovely. They make me want to be talented & stylish. & my giant bags of Red Vines made the trip home at 2 am & the trip to work this morning much easier. 🙂 Post our happy Granada picture!

I’m so glad that you’ve been watching A Very Potter Musical stuff! Doesn’t it make you excited for our future?!!! You could be the next off-centered-jaw guy on youtube!

This post is completely random…I’ve switched topics like, 12 times. Let’s try for a couple more:

I decided today that my last day at Sonic will be August 17…it feels really weird to know that I’ve become friends with (some) of these people, and then I probably won’t see most of them ever again. Jerry (prison guy who wants my number) is very distraught about me leaving…which makes me feel very awkward.

A collection of random thoughts from A’Mari Jo:

I pulled out my brother’s old bass, because I’m totally gonna learn how to be a rock star…but I don’t have an amp…this seems like a issue.

Steffi D. just said I’m adorable on twitter. I can die happy now.

Stanislavski will be the death of me.

The other day someone posted “Ah sh**! You just went Meisner on their a**!” on twitter…made me think of Dr. Carrie! Shout out! Now I’m afraid she’s gonna go Meisner on my a**…I mean butt.

I think you need to give red vines a second chance.

Me & my dad sat around for 15 minutes tonight talking about how boring it is around here with my mom gone up to Oklahoma…if you talk to her will you tell her to come back home? She & Aunt Lorri are partying it up up there.

Moment of Honesty:

Sometimes I sit back & try to remember life before I met you, and I remember all these events from way back when, but it’s like you were always there, even though you weren’t. Is that weird? Did that make sense at all?

Fuzzy Memory:

Roots in a Parched Ground. Our first OAP together…I was just a wee little techie, and you were playing what else? The sick dad in the wheelchair! I always really liked that show. But most of all I remember having to put on your mutton chops before every show. We’d go sit in the corner & you’d have to sit there for 20 minutes while I blew on your face & tried to master the art of spirit gum application. Sometimes they were lopsided, & sometimes they started to peel off, but our conversations were always awesome. Oh! I also remember laughing with Jamie (Hi Jamie! We miss you!)  in the booth about how you hit Clay over the head with that book harder & harder with each competition, the time that the crotch of Scott’s pants completely ripped apart onstage, how funny it was to see Clay (the 150lbs. “12-year-old”) tackle Scott (the like, 125lbs. 50-year-old) at the end of the show, and lest we all forget, the magical appearance of The Beatles “Imagine” as our final sound cue for a show set in like, 1895. “One House, One Town, One World, One Act.”

Love you,

A’Mari Jo

My interpretation of Lauren from Ume.

We could be stars on the Lifetime network

Dear A’Mari,

The past two days have been kind of rough, but definitely needed. I went yesterday to see my nephew Jayden in the hospital. In March he was born 3 months premature and has been in the hospital since. He’s definitely made a lot of progress in a short amount of time and is already almost up to 8 lbs. All of us Plummers have two things in common. We’re fighters…and we have large craniums. Stop smiling and nodding at that ;). It’s awesome to see how big he has gotten. Next week he should be moving to a sort of…I don’t know what to call it…halfway house? My sister will have to live there with him in order to learn how to take care of his tracheal and feeding tubes that he’ll have to have for quite a while. Thank god he is getting out of the hospital though. When I went back to see him he was all hooked up to tubes and monitors and such. Still, he grabbed my hand and started smiling 🙂

Today I went and saw my grandmother (Nana) in the nursing home in Wills Point. It’s probably only the 5th time I’ve been able to go out and see her there all year. I’m trying to get out there and see her as much as possible before I leave. She is doing pretty well and actually loves living there. She never wants to leave the place when we invite her out! Today we started talking about all the stuff I needed to get together before I moved and she asked again where I was going and why I was going there. I told her Lubbock and asked her if she had ever been and she started crying. She said that she didn’t realize I was going so far away and that it just dawned on her how far I’ll actually be. I told her I’d be coming back to visit a lot which seemed to calm her down a bit but I could tell she was still bothered by it all. She then proceeded to brag on me to all the other ladies in the dining hall. She makes me feel like a superhero. heh. ALSO, she totally kicked butt and got 2nd place in the art contest at the nursing home! (The one with the red ribbon in the middle) I got my artistic sense from that woman, I’m positive.

I’m glad you think my glasses are “ballin.” Your use of the vernacular is correct. Not that I am any more keen with the “gangsta” lingo than you. Especially seeing as I just used “vernacular” and “keen” while talking about the word “ballin.”

Let’s see if we can’t set a date for this photoshoot. I’ll make your mom some wallet prints so she can carry us, mostly me, around with her at all times. I’m going to decorate my new place with these photos. Its going to be totally awesome. We also gotta get shots of you and your carhoppy-ness!

You should see if the dentist wants to use your drawing of your “holey” tooth for educational purposes. It definitely helped me understand what the issue was.

When does Darren Criss start on broadway? I think you should totally go see it. Why not? Once. In. A. Lifetime. Maybe fly instead of drive though. That way you’ll be rested enough to chase him down Broadway street after the show. I’m sure he is a fast runner and you…well…umm…just take me and I’ll let you ride my chair and we can both chase him.

I get to see you tomorrow 🙂

Moment of Honesty:

I think if we actually buckled down and wrote a story about us/based on our relationship it’d be something pretty spectacular. I was watching some “indy” films last night that attempted to tell stories about quirky friendships. They’ve got nothing on us. If all else fails we could sell it to the Lifetime network.

Fuzzy Memory (this is becoming my favo(u)rite part of our letters):

We were sitting in the back of the theatre in Commerce during the 2006 OAP competition after performing Passing Through. They were announcing the advancing plays and right before they announced alternate you reached over and grabbed my hand. We both closed our eyes and squeezed hoping not to hear our name. When they announced another school we started shaking and made eye contact just before they announced the first advancing school. Wills Point High School. You jumped out of the chair and nearly took me with you. That was one of the most amazing moments of my entire life.



P.S. Dr. Klypchak totally called dibs on the “juicy burgers” sign. Heh. I’m so excited for what you two do with Colorado.

I am holy…holey?…wholey?…

Dear Mattie,

I have to admit it: I’m really happy about your new hipster status. Now you can join the ranks of not only me, but also people like the entire cast of Glee, Justin Beiber, Steffi D, & I have sneaking suspicions about the late John Lennon. I think those glasses are super ballin…did I use that word right? I don’t really know how to be gangsta. But the glasses are totally awesome! You should just ask if they can put your new lenses in those…wait, no. Because then you wouldn’t be a hipster anymore. Oh! & it’s totally cool that you still shop with your awesome mom. I do the same thing. Who else is gonna tell you the truth about an outfit, other than your sassy gay friend? My mom says hi, btw.

It scares me that you’re buying “casual professional” clothes. This means we’re growing up…& I’m not sure I like that idea very much. Especially because we’re going to be grown-up away from each other for a while…but onto happier things!

In case you didn’t read my status & just automatically liked it, Darren Criss is going to be replacing Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway in How to Succeed!!!! Seriously, I may drive to NYC for a day just to see him. Like, I’m seriously considering.

I’m blogging from the dentist office, btw. It makes me feel super important, like all these people in the waiting room must be thinking “gee…she must be super important- it’s like she never stops texting!” but really I’m just writing one giant text…..for anyone besides Mattie who reads this, this was a perfect example of a pointless ramble. I have these a lot.

Yeah…the xanga…so many regrets…I feel like I want to delete mine, but a) I’d have to try to remember my password & b) I kind of like to have it as a landmark of sorts. Like, “look, A’Mari, you are not as ridiculous as you once were.” & that’s comforting.

K, photoshoot ideas: I love the dog one…can the dog be Cocoa? She’s my favourite. Next: Book of Mormon Joyful Jumping Mormon shot. I think we should maybe just give Ryan or Pleakey a camera & tell them to take pictures of us walking/rolling to mcdonalds…since that’s like, us in our natural habitat.

My dentist says I have a hole in one of my teeth. Not a cavity. Just a freakin hole in my tooth. Tooth #19 to be exact. This is what I suspect this hole looks like:

And this is me after I got through at the dentist! She said my teeth look “awesome” and that makes me happy! Plus I got a new tooth brush!

Yay for Mill Creek Dental!

Moment of Honesty:

I stole a “Juicy Burgers” sign from Sonic last night because I thought you guys might want it for your new apartment. If you don’t want it though, I’m gonna secretly post it on Dr. Carrie’s office door.

Fuzzy Memory:

We were hanging out at your house in Wills Point & decided to go rent a movie. So off we go, we get our movie, & we head back to your house. But then it starts to rain. Luckily we had planned well & brought an umbrella, but the wind decided to be a jerk & we had a total movie moment where the umbrella popped inside out. (my phone just tried to make ‘popped’ into ‘pooped’…gross.) so we drive the rest of the way to your house, me on the side of your chair, with our hair whipping in the wind & rain & it was awesome.



I feel like such a Hipster

Dear A’Mari,

Today I went shopping for “teaching” clothes with my mother. Yes I still go shopping with my mom because she is really cool. Like your mom. It was a really difficult process for me to avoid the T-Shirts and Hoodies that I normally would buy. I have way too many. Today I set out with the notion that I need to look more “professional.” So I bought fancy dress shirts and even a fancy tie (a $20 fancy tie, gah). Along with these purchases I had to get something special for myself that didn’t make me feel so grown up…so…I bought giraffe glasses. Non-prescription giraffe glasses. This is why I feel like a hipster. I do actually NEED glasses in daily life but these were just too cool to pass up. You know I have a semi-unhealthy obsession with giraffes. Case in point my 5 ft tall stuffed giraffe named G-Pain. He says hello btw. Now I’m just like the rest of you hipsters. Yes I include you in this category. I will roam about town wearing frames on my face just for sheer delight. I am thoroughly delighted by these. And that $20 tie.

I think it may have been a mistake to expose our xangas. So. Embarrassing. I have no idea how I remember some of the things I do. Or how I forget most of the things I should remember. Most of my xanga posts are better left forgotten.

I think a photoshoot for us is a grand idea. I want one of us wearing matching sweaters and possibly holding a small dog. Thats too adorable. We’ll make this happen. Any other photo ideas?

I’m going furniture shopping this weekend with my cool mom. Maybe I’ll find a giraffe print futon. One can only dream.

Moment of honesty: I think you’re better looking than Zooey Deschanel. There I said it.

Fuzzy Memory:

We were sitting in the lounge area of the Ferguson building. You were in High School and you were competing in the Regional UIL competition. At some point during my visit you decided you should drive my wheelchair while sitting in my lap. You’re over confidence and lack of motor skills proved to be fatal to the oncoming wall. I always knew we’d leave a mark on this world. I just wasn’t aware that those marks would be wheelchair shaped holes. I’ve gone back to look at that hole in the wall a few times and I can’t help but laugh at how crazy we are when we are together. I also can’t help but shudder in fear at the thought of you driving my wheelchair again…



I’m feeling very exposed.

Dear Mattie,

This is really quite strange. It is very much like xanga  (btw, how the heck did you remember your log in info for that? i have no idea what mine might be), except that we don’t have to keep refreshing the page to read new comments. And I’m not 14 and stupid anymore. Well…at least I’m not 14. You’ve set us up quite the little homey page here…I feel very important having our own blog. Almost as important as Harry Potter.

I’m very excited that there have been 4 days added to our time of being in the same vicinity. And yeah…it hasn’t really hit me yet either, but when I start to think about it I just start to cry…like now. There is definitely some leaking occurring on my face…

My xanga is really embarrassing.

I agree that we need to hop on this whole “pictures of us” thing, cuz it really is ridiculous. Facebook has informed me that there are only 28 pictures of us in existence, because ya know, if a picture isn’t on FB then it doesn’t actually exist- just like relationships. I don’t even think my brother is actually my brother…all because he doesn’t check his relationship alerts. We should have a photoshoot before you leave. Ugh. I’ve come to hate that word. “Leave” not “ugh”.

I wonder if people are going to be able to understand our thought processes, because that last paragraph didn’t have a main idea at all…

I like futons way better than beds. They’re much more functional. It’s literally 2 pieces of furniture in one.

Moment of Honesty: I’m really scared of what life is gonna be like with you not around all the time.

Fuzzy Memory:

Before One-Act Play competitions, Pierson would have us draw names, and then hand-write letters to the person whose name we drew. I think freshman year, my letter was to Jamie Daughtry, but that’s fuzzy because you got my name, and I remember crying for about 10 minutes because it was so beautiful and kind. I can’t remember the whole thing, but I know at one point it said “you always say that I’m an angel that God sent you, but you’re an angel He sent me too.” :::insert A’Mari crying again::: I still have that letter in a pretty jewelry box in my room. And I still feel that way about you, Mattie.

^^^ See? This is what I’m talking about! Like, all our emotions are just gonna be left here for the world to see. So exposed!!! I feel naked!!!! On the internet!!!


...this is a flock-o-tacos. the one that looks like it's peeing is from Jack-in-the Box...and the pee is actually just grease.

And so it begins…

Dear A’Mari,

Why are there so few photos of us? Like, just us. There are plenty in existence of the two of us mingling with a group but very few on our own. In a span of 7 years the amount of images should be staggering. With me generally being the default “photographer” of the group I blame myself for not being more in front of the lens. Also, for the photos I am included in, I seem to always be making a “face.”

My mouth is either ajar or I get caveman eyebrows at the very hint of a flash from a camera. Let’s make a conscious effort to take more photos and make sure I take a normal picture for once…

The countdown is on for the big move and it hasn’t totally hit me yet. Turns out we aren’t leaving until August 6th now because of some door issues in the house. I’m a bit too wide, as usual, to fit through so the land lady is changing them out for me. How accommodating. So my width allows us to have a bit more time between now and Lubbock. It also allows me more time to grow up and buy big boy furniture. I need a bed…or a Futon!

I feel like I’m on Xanga again…remember Xanga? Bah!

Now I leave you with a fuzzy memory:

You and I got selected to do a scene in front of Tal Lostracco while we were all auditioning for 2005 One Act Play, Root’s in a Parched Ground. We were on the TVCC Athen’s stage and I remember being terrified of you…as I was with most girls when I was in High School (and yes, still today). We were doing a 3 person scene with Laura…something about a train? All I can remember is being totally comfortable for the first time on stage. To this day I believe that may be one of the only times we acted together. Tal had no idea what he had created when he randomly called us on to that stage. Or maybe he knew all along…him and his tiny puppy. I know for sure I haven’t been the same since.

