Monthly Archives: September 2011

“And I am seriously farting so much I could start a wind farm.”

Dear Mattie,

I so lied…I totally ended up getting behind again on my blogging, but I’m finally a bit more comfortable in my new school schedule so it should get better (aka you need to start badgering me via text about when I need to blog.) Also, the title of this post is not a quote of my own, but rather, one from my character in Colorado. Just wanted to make that clear.

So much has happened in this blog lag! So I’ll start at the beginning in what I’m sure will be a beautiful analysis of the past few weeks.

School started! Woot? Thus far it has been alright. The first week was definitely tough. The theatre really doesn’t feel the same at all without you. And it doesn’t help that 80% of our members left at the same time you did. It felt incredibly empty, lonely, and overwhelming, but we also have a whole lot of wonderful new people that I’m sure will bring some new energy to the place. We also had auditions for our first show, Colorado, and I’m super happy with our cast- but more on that later.

Then my best friend- I think you might know him- Mattie, came to Commerce for a visit. But not just any visit. He came to pick up the most badass thing I’ve ever seen besides Lady Gaga dressed as a dude: his van. YOUR VAN!!!! And it is so ridiculously awesome. I am still so proud and happy for you. I know you’ve been working on getting it since…I think when I met you in high school you were working on it then! And now, you have it in all its splendor and glory. It really is super cool, and despite the fact that you got pulled over within the first 5 minutes of our first ride together, I stand by my statement that you are a fabulous driver. I am so glad that I got to spend some good quality time with you and see your new toy. And just fyi…it was really hard to watch you leave again. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

My entrepreneurial business teacher is a jerk.

Working out and eating right is not as much fun as eating burgers whenever I want and using Dr. Pepper as my main source of calories.

Somebody set fire to the dumpsters in my apartment building. I felt that I handled the situation in an almost-too-calm manner.

I appreciate the fact that you accept receiving a picture of what outfit I’m wearing to class every day and tell me if I’m working it or not.

And I think that just about catches us up to present!

Now I’m just working on class work (aka being pouty about the fact that Dr. Klypchak advised me not to do a Lady Macbeth monologue for auditions because I’m “too young.” I still disagree 😛 ) and working on Colorado. It is going by incredibly fast- we’ll be finished with blocking act 1 by tonight! It is so fun, and funny- Micah is gonna make you pee your pants- no lie. I can’t wait for you to come see!!! I’ve been recording bits and pieces of rehearsals, but a) Carrie says (in one of the videos) “this is so not performance ready!”) and b) I don’t know if that would be illegal or anything, since there are lines from the play being said…? But anyways, here’s a fun little picture of Travis (Micah Haynes) getting lectured by our parents Ron (Storm Adams) and Grace (Denise Buckels) [yay for shout outs!]







So now I’m just gonna post some pictures of things that have happened that were super fun! …mostly I just like pictures, as does Aunt Lorri, so hopefully we can make her smile! Love you, Lorri Jo!

First drive-thru!!! You look like I'm about to eat your face...


Tiara Time with Kasey!

I need more big hats in my life.









wicked cool newspaper nails. i'm proud, can you tell?

Fire trucks and smoke outside PC!








Throughout my character research for Colorado, this is the by far best pageant crier I have seen. Look at the way she's dropped that jaw. Magnificent.

Moment of Honesty:

When you were in Commerce with the van, at one point I was walking down the hallway and you and Jacob were sitting in front of M. Knight’s office and for a moment I felt like everything was back to normal, and it felt like home again. And then I got really sad and had one of those horribly tragic ‘one-single-tear’ moments when I remembered that you guys were just visiting. It really is hard to not see you every day. It is especially hard to walk to class in heels without a wheelchair armrest to ride on every day.

Fuzzy Memory:

I think it’s about time we mentioned this on here: the day we filmed the epicness that is “The Same Repetitive Love Story.” I can still remember how terribly hot it was and how many times we re-watched the clip of that lady driving past Ryan jumping out of your wheelchair and ending up sprawled on your lawn. Rather than explain it all, I feel that this memory can stand on it’s own. To all those reading this who haven’t seen the brilliance that was Matt & I in high school- enjoy. and don’t judge. this was prior to the much-needed Dr. Klypchak acting coaching.


A’Mari Jo